Saturday 7 February 2015

20 // Early Development 02 - Spellsword

So it's the same deal as last week, but this time I'm trying to find an appearance for the female character of the trio. I originally mentioned that I'd be doing a Dark Queen type of character, but decided that this was too cliche even for me! Instead, after spending a few hours wandering through the D&D wiki and looking at various character classes, I decided on the Spellsword class. 

I think there's a lot of potential for interesting designs with this type of character, and I intend to explore as many of the options as time will allow me.

Speaking of time, unfortunately I was a little bit shorter of it this week - what with family and other projects needing love also - so I wasn't able to try out quite as many appearances as I would've liked, or get them to the same level of finish as I managed with the Warlock character last week. Having said that though, by the time I'd sketched out the 3rd alternative for the Spellsword girl, I knew I'd found my character. I had a little bit more time to experiment with a fourth, just in case. The sketches are refined enough to get the idea across (rather than the awful mess of scribbles they begin life as) so I'm happy to share them.

On a side note, I spent a little bit of time this week absorbing myself in the goodness of 80's-style design and typography, seeking some inspiration for the next phase of design, where I should hopefully start integrating 80's stylings into my characters. I rattled this together, more as a means of experimentation than anything else, so let's see how it goes from there.

So, next week will be the same thing as before - pre-dev appearance sketches for the third and final character... as yet undetermined.

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